Thursday, October 28, 2010

The mystery of wealth of Papua new Guinea and their wealth differences

It is true that Australians have more cargo as in the New Guineans would say it, which the word cargo is like the word stuff for them. Yes there is a big difference of the stuff that Australia and New Zealand, those two countries have lots more stuff then the new Guineans have. New Guinea is a place were there are tribes and not much technology they would still not be in the places we are in now. These people farm as there living and there goal is not to see the great things in world but to survive and live three life is there goal. What do New Guineans have that the Australians don't have, this is not the easiest question when you think about it.

The people of New Guinea have lots of culture in them, but what chances and advantages did New Zealand and Australians have that New Guinea did not have?   Well the people probably  had a chance to meet with the other technology that other parts of the world have, when they came to their country. Technology that the New Zealand have that the New Guineans do not have are for example; computers, television, and knowledge and many more.

people are like this in Australia,
people are more in a rush to something
that involves work or technology
New Guineans were not much crowded communities but they did have enough people to help each others out. New Guineans technology is not as good, one reason for this might be because people do not have enough knowledge and education. In addition another reason that they do not have much technology is because there climate, and there surroundings. A reason could be because of there shelter, the shelter effects what they create and because some electronic things can not be touch by something liquid. Also they need to have a renewable power source of energy, for example: they have a hydroelectricity, solar energy can be useful, wind power plants, and geothermal power plants. Renewable power plants are the best option to gain more electricity because they are simple at the moment and they do not have to worry about anything run out.

Before you were introduced to the power plants which will help them have more energy. The first power plant told was called Hydroelectricity, this one uses water as there source of power, it works like this: there is a wheel and as the water current passes it causes the wheel to move witch somehow creates energy. Second power plant introduced was the solar energy, This could be the most simplest but only if you have the right tools and materials to create one, you would have to have a panel  and reflect it to the sun, this makes the suns energy into your own energy, this does not create as much as energy but it is most simple. Third renewable power plant introduced was the wind power plant, this is uses wind to create energy, this would not be very useful if the place located is in a forest or it is quite crowded. Geothermal energy uses land as its resource. The reason that these power plants improve New Guineas country and taking it one more step to Australia or New Zealand technology. Another reason that these are good strategies to make a good source of energy is because it saves our world and take the advantages of our world and creates it into energy. New Guinea will advance with the steps that Australia and New Zealand took. All the world has a chance to become more advance, although they are the most advanced.

Also another reason Australia is more advanced is because of there communities with more people comes more knowledge and help. They could use help to make themselves successful.

Still we are all people, and we are all equal.

This video shows how people in new Guinea live and how they have fun...


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