Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bad Bad Bad....

in my old school we had a lot of fun since I was younger and we did not have as much reaponsibilitie, that was a good thing but there's a bad part of school. The bullies. There were really mean people, in my school bacause people did not like the school, (I thought it was a really good school) one day I was at the cafateria and I was sitting with my friends. We were sitting right next to the victims table. Then it happened. This big kid came to him (he was 3 or 4 grades older than him) and he started to say mean things like "You look ugly" or "This is my table now" which really they sit somewhere else. He made the kid move. After that I did not see the kid until I saw him sitting on the floor of the bathroom still crying after 40minites. I quickly used the toilet and then I asked him "aren't you suppose to be in class?" but he didn't respone.

I would say that looked very sad in his eyes because the floor he was sitting on was a little wet. This for anybody would be a very tough day, and hard to forget. But he did nothing wrong it was really sad.

Today, I would stop that, because that is not nice. I would stand up for Jeong because it was definetly not the right thing to do so now, we should stop bullying. What I would change in that situation is, that I would tell that bully that he should stop because it was there table, and he just kicked him out, when they always sat there. I t was a wrong thing, that the bully made him move

One goal I would have would be that: everyone has to be nice to one another, example: there's a new student in school and she/he is very shy, so, mostly everyone should great her/him, to make them feel welcome.
Another great goal for everyones privacy is to make themselfs more organized, to help everyones life in school.

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