Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Le Chambon

1. What did you learn from the stories of rescuers?
I learned various things from the stories of the rescuers. One example would be that courage should never be forgotten and the rescuers said this because courage takes more than just guts you really need to believe in what you do to have courage. Another example would be that If nothing was done to stop the bad, all humanity would be in chaos.

2. What do they teach us about human behavior?
They taught us that some people just need a leader to agree with what they really feel about a situation which is normally a bad thing in most occasions.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Poem

The poem I chose was Victory. The part that stood out for me was the part it said my " Father (once big and strong) which for me probably means that the Germans beat up the jews and her father was now weak. It was very sentimental because it was just the slightest bit happy when the poem said they danced. A connection that I could make would be probably that once I wanted to spend time with my dad by ourselves or, ( he wanted to spend time with me). That would be the closest way I can connect to the poem " Victory". Overall I thought the poem was very interesting and somewhat touching, it is a great poem and the mood is sad but slightly happy. I specifically chose "Victory" because it had the nicest least saddest mood I thought which I liked.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Germany 1918-1933

In Germany during this time Germany was in an economical crisis but an opportunity for Hitler.
The markets crash was a great way opportunity for Hitler because he would try to reach out and say the Nazi party would make Germany better. There were more crashes in Germany such as the Hyperinflation a good way to show what he could do to Germany and show it would be a better place, adding his powerful speeches Hitler was a strong person leader for he Nazi party. Also another event would be the Reichstag Fire, Hitler used the fire as a way to blame the communist and the other parties, With all these events Hitler had promised for a better future in Germany and he used th Reeichstag Fire as an opportuniy to show how the other parties were "Trying to ruin the Germans Government". Then overall plus his powerful speeches Hitler was a man to look forward to. The Treaty Of Versailles was another way for him to gain power. He used the Treaty as a way to make peoples hatred of it to show that he should be in power. Luck was part of Hitlers path to power.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Rules in Germany

1. Who could now be defined as a "Jew"?
The people in Germany who had 3 or 4 Grandparents who were Jew were considered Jews even if the person did not agree with himself being Jew, It was the German law.

2. What was meant by "Aryanizing" Jewish Businesses?
What the Germans mean by Aryanizing Jewish Businesses, would mean that Jewish workers and managers were forced by Germans to quit their job, the new host of Jewish businesses were hosted by non-Jewish Germans and there were fixed prices in the Jewish businesses.

3. How were Jews who were professional ( lawyers, doctors etc.) restricted?
The Jews who were professionals at good jobs were restricted rather not to study their job any more, and not being able to apply their job to non-Jewish Germans.
For Example: Jewish doctors were not able to help non-Jewish Germans

4. What did Jewish identity cards need to include now?
The Jewish identification cards needed to include a large red "J" on their card to show that they are Jewish..

5. What was the " Law for the protection of Hereditary Health of German People" ( sum up in your own words)?
The " Law for the protection of Hereditary Health of German People" was the requirement for all German married couples to receive a certificate from the public health authorities. Which was a certificate of fitness to marry. People with contagious sicknesses were not legible for these certificates.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Targeting the communists and other political parties

1.Civil Rights are things that keep life less corrupted and allow you to have privacy, safety and rights to own items. Civil Rights are very useful to have a stable life in a country otherwise there would be a lot of struggles and protest. One example of Civil Rights would being able to own property and have privacy.

2. Some good things that were useful to people would be the Nazi party providing financial and social aid to people. Also the Nazi Party were good environmentalists which of course would be good for everybody. But overall the Nazi's said that they would help people who were in need of help and maybe fund a bit for the people who were struggling in Germany.